What To Do About College

We have many friends who have not taken the traditional path for going away to college that is expected after high school. In fact, I feel they have taken an even wiser method---using the CLEP tests to gain college credit and degrees in half the time and at a third of the cost. They can do this on their own or use CollegePlus! a program that works with students to achieve this goal. Since many of you have asked about our thoughts on college and since I have a daughter about to graduate I thought it was fitting to share some resources:

College Without Compromise:
An Encouraging Guide to Starting Early, Finishing Economically and Protecting Your Homeschool Vision
This nifty book is a complete overview of the how, why and keeping the vision. A wonderful resource! I got all of these a few years ago and felt I learned so much.

Making Wise Decisions About College and Life After Homeschool
Excellent and addresses many concerns those have about sending their children to college and what they will do with their lives. Really gets you thinking...

Accelerated Distance Learning
The New Way to Earn Your College Degree in the Twenty-First Century
a manual  to get started in and the how-to's of CLEPing

. You can even begin CLEP'ing  while your children are in high school so they get some college credit under their belts early on--and this method is not just for homeschoolers! Many people have used this method achieving successful results around their flexible schedules.

Happy browsing!


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