This past week was Spring Break for the Fuentes family and we have been away on vacation! We have returned happily refreshed and I have many wonderful photos to share with you-- our vacation kicked off with a tea party for my niece in Chicago:
The lovely birthday girl table...
Island of goodies--aren't they pretty?
And they tasted amazing!
Chocolate dipped strawberries and American girl shortbread cookies!
Happy faces eagerly anticipating the tea...
The place settings were sweet...
The table of older tea partying daughters....
There were plenty of games, races, etc. Here is my little Joy all dressed up in a colonial dress that Janai, my oldest daughter hand made for her for another occasion (more on that later) passing a Tea Book in hot potato fashion. They had so much fun and she would not stop laughing!
All the girls in a circle and see my beautiful mother-in-law in the background?
The craft table had keepsakes boxes ready for decorating...
(hmm--I think I need to lighten these pictures up but my virtual assistant, Naomi, is fast asleep so it will have to wait!)
(hmm--I think I need to lighten these pictures up but my virtual assistant, Naomi, is fast asleep so it will have to wait!)
The excited girls carefully decorating their treasures...
Beautiful girlhood in all her glory!
A sweet group picture---aren't they adorable?
The Grand finale--presents and a beautiful heart shaped cake made with love!
Thank you for viewing our tea party pictures!
And since so many of you have written me sharing how you would love to throw your first tea party for your daughter (or yourself!) but not sure where to begin I've included some resources for you...
Tea Party Resources:
Beautiful Heirloom Tea Set with Carrying Box
(don't let the pictures fool you, this is a beautiful large set!)
(don't let the pictures fool you, this is a beautiful large set!)
For your sweet little daughter(s)--
My Very First Tea Party
And if you need help getting creative:
Tea Party: 20 Themed Tea Parties with Recipes for Every Occasion, from Fabulous Showers to Intimate Gatherings
Whatever you choose be sure to have fun with it
and begin making those special memories today!
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