Easter Decor Inspiration

Once I put together my Easter Tree, the whole apartment started to feel more like Spring. It may still be chilly outside, but inside we're celebrating the ever closer arrival of warmer weather. I've been making a few more little tweaks here and there, but I need some more inspiration, so I turned to the wonderful world of the web. Its amazing the ideas and inspiration that you can get from the creative people out there!

My all-time favorite inspiration is Martha Stewart and her amazing creative team. Just looking at this image of a bunny-inspired Easter Party makes me remember being a kid and going to the fun parties that my mother and her friends would put together. There would be games, colourful decorations and delicious pastel confections. I think that is where my chocolate Mini Eggs addiction started.

There is something about the whimsical drawings of this Tablecloth and napkin set (Pottery Barn Easter Bunny Floral Garden Napkin $39.50) that evokes all the colours and growth of Spring. If I didn't have a knack for spilling blueberry jam on nice white linens, I'd splurge for a set of these adorable napkins.

These fun Crepe Carrots take a little work to make them, but it seems worth it when you see them all nestled in a basket together. These would also be cute as place cards at an Easter Brunch, or as the topper on a sweet Easter present (perhaps a box of Carrot Cupcakes?)

Brightly coloured eggs are symbolic of Spring's arrival and these Speckle Swirl Glass Eggs (Crate & Barrel, $19.95 for set of 12) are a beautiful addition to Easter decor with their soft speckled design in soft pastel colours. I saw these in person the other day and they were just as pretty as the look here!

Those eggs would look great nestled in a potted hyacinth like these eggs above.

With so much new life growing outside right now, it wonderful to bring the outdoors inside. Martha Stewart showed this great (and simple) way to add some colour to your table. Place a painted egg shell inside an eggcup and fill with beautiful flowers from outdoors. I especially love the use of the crisp white Lily of the Valley with the vivid violets of the pansies.

How do you like to decorate to celebrate the arrival of Spring?

Easter Decor Inspiration Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: Unknown

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