The weekend is over and a new week has begun...

Our weekend was a good one, mainly because we had a fabulous Sunday spent with wonderful friends. Things just don't get any better than happy children, delicious food, and wonderful company.  Even Callum asked to return - that is high praise indeed!

This week has started off well so far, with a trip to Kents Cavern with the H.E group. I have to admit that I was feeling the pressure a little as it was my first "paid-for" organised trip that I have arranged. It kinda felt (stupidly) that it was a big responsibility - but I needn't have worried. Everyone turned up who said they would on the day, and all was well, and the folks at Kents Cavern were really lovely and easy going. Judging by the feedback I received, the visit was much enjoyed - making all that silly worrying worthwhile. Will be a lot calmer next time...perhaps.

Kents Cavern is an amazing place. Based in Torquay, English Heritage describes it as "beyond doubt one of the most important sites for Palaeolithic archaeology." It is the only site in Britain, and one of only a few in Europe, where artefacts of all the recognised stages of the Old Stone Age are present.

Our group visit was brilliant. Our guide Terry had the right balance of informative chatter mixed with a bit of humour spot on as he led us through the caves section by section.

The Face

Can you see the face in the cave wall?

We were shown and told about artefacts of historical importance...




baby mammoth tooth

That's a baby mammoth's tooth in case you were wondering...

The structure of the caves is just mind blowing.

kents cavern

kents cavern caves

Reminds me so much of my past encaustic art attempts...

You stop me feeling blue.

Take me far away...

It's inspired me to dig out the iron and waxes again.

We stepped back in time and witnessed what the caves would have looked like to those early explorers without the blessing of electricity...

Dark. Mind-blowingly dark.

It was dark


and we enjoyed looking at the various displays...

kents cavern HE


After a good hour in the caves, we headed to the activity room where the children could get an idea what archaeologists go through to get their "treasures". With boxes filled with sand, they had to painstakingly brush the grains away to reveal gems and other delights...

treasure seeking


Callum's Stash

shark tooth

We could keep all that was found (including the shark tooth which caused much delight!)

Then it was off outside to complete a quiz. Time outside in such safe surroundings were welcomed after so much concentration indoors, it was great to see happy children enthusiastically following the trail.

Clue seeking

A great trip, thoroughly enjoyed by my lot and hopefully many others :)

We have got a quiet week planned, but who knows what may just happen...

The weekend is over and a new week has begun... Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: Unknown

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