The Simple Woman's Daybook (03-15-2011)


Outside my window...
Even though it is now 7:00 AM, the sky is still dark and all is quiet in my little corner of the world. This is the result of turning the clocks forward for Daylight Savings Time this past week-end. I am OK with the change, it just means that SPRING is that much closer~(aaahhhh)!

I am thinking...
That it feels very good to once again have the desire to write. My dry season seems to have ended, at last! Praising God for His wisdom and His goodness in bringing me through that season.

I am thankful for...
The blessings of home and family. Blessings that are so dear and fragile at the same time. I just can't imagine how very different life would be without either of them. I am praying for those affected by all of the earthquakes and floods that we have seen this past few weeks. I am also praying for those in Japan who are suffering devastating loss from the recent tsunami.

From the learning rooms...
I am starting the process of assembling Caleb's portfolio for the year. We are doing some last minute projects that reflect what we have been studying the past few months.

From the kitchen...
I am sipping my morning cup of peach tea and having toast with blackberry jam for my early morning breakfast (mmm). My husband and son will be having waffles with maple syrup when they wake up. I am thinking about making pork barbeque for dinner this evening and fixing home fries and peas with carrots to go with it.

I am wearing...
my good old slacks and a tee shirt.

I am creating...
No crafts going right now.

I am going...
to the Women's Bible study group at our church this morning. We are studying the book of 2 Corinthians.

I am reading...
Laugh Again by Charles Swindoll, 15 Minutes Alone With God by Emilie Barns and the book of Ecclesiastes from the Bible.

I am hoping...
to finish sorting and filling a Celebrating Home fundraiser order this afternoon and to finish a few more entries into my son's homeschool portfolio later today.

I am hearing...
the sounds of the busy world waking up outside. The cars on the road that runs by our home carrying people to their jobs and children to school. I hear the birds softly singing and a soft breeze is blowing. Another day is dawning.

Around the house...
I need to vaccuum the floors, the laundry needs to be carried upstairs to be placed into drawers and closets, we will be cooking and doing dishes as we do each day.

One of my favorite things...
I have so many favorite blessings in life that it is hard to choose just one. This morning I am choosing to mention the way that my tea tastes in the morning! My sweet husband bought Bigelow peach flavored green tea at the store this week and it is just WONDERFUL!

A few plans for the rest of the week:
I am going to attend a Celebrating Home meeting with my Unit Director on Thursday evening and will be delivering items sold for the fundraiser that morning. I am talking with a new client about decorating her living room and we will be having our school lessons each day. I hope to make it to my mom's sometime this week for a visit, as well.

I want to thank our dear blog host Peggy for hosting The Simple Woman's Daybook each week.

Hugs to all and Stay Cozy,

The Simple Woman's Daybook (03-15-2011) Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: Unknown

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