I bought these shamrocks (above) a week or so ago from Trader Joe's and they're hanging in there! I covered the dirt in reindeer moss which I can't get enough of. (It doesn't die... Or maybe it's already dead?? anyway, love it.)
We sent the boys off to school today in my favorite color:
And I attempted to work on the split pea soup that my husband & mom started yesterday... And the bottom dropped out of the blender which made my pup, Ashby, very happy.
{"Happy St.Pattie's Day to you too Mommy!!!"}
On a related note, the new cabinets are painted now:
I taped the fabric to the backs of the panels because we couldn't find our staple gun. (The sad part is that now that they're up I have no incentive to search for the staple gun.) Now I need to get that drywall handled and switch out the plywood top for a stone one.
But plywood'll work for a little St.Pattie's Day bar tonight.
Hope you have a great one!!
ps- Thank you so much to everyone who made it out to Apartment Therapy Night last night!! Desire @ Sukio was an awesome host it and was a lot of fun. Will post some pics on facebook soon!!
If you'd like help creating a home you absolutely love, contact me about our design services.
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