Goodwill Meets Industrial Chic

Industrial chic.
It's probably not what you think of when (or if) you think about That Old House.
Industrial we are not, and we certainly aren't
anywhere near the posh neighborhood of chic. 

Now Goodwill on the other hand . . . that is what you think of when (or if) you think about That Old House.

That's definitely our neighborhood!


 When we redid out kitchen, we extended the butcher block counter
on Jabba the Hutch so that we could tuck a stool there.
After all, it's lovely to have a place to park a carcass -- especially your own -- in the kitchen.

My ancient metal drafting stool was, well, drafted back into duty.
Before the kitchen painting.  Ick.
When I was 20 I could sit for hours on that stool, with its small hard masonite seat.
Now . . . not so much.

These days, I need more cush for my tush.
And I found it -- brand new -- at Goodwill.

It's metal, it's heavy, and
 it's got plenty of cushy tush room!
The sueded microfiber upholstery may find itself switched for something else one of these days.  Any ideas?

 I'm not sure you could classify this as pure industrial chic.

But I had real industrial chic with that old metal drafting stool,
and trust me when I say -- this is much better!

And considering that metal chairs like these, below, sell for
hundreds of dollars apiece, and I paid $29 for mine . . . I am happy.

And so is my tush.


Meanwhile, right next to the kitchen,
the Christmas cacti in the sunroom continue to have identity crises. 
This one, our smallest, is busting its little gut pumping out flowers in honor of . . . what?

It bloomed before Thanksgiving.
It bloomed at  Christmas.

And now it's blooming just in time for . . . ?

It's too early for Easter, but I don't think it's gotten the message.

I had to prop it up on a box because the blooms hang down so far.
It makes me feel like such an underachiever.

(By the way, I do water that plant, but it's so busy making gaudy pink babies 
that it puts all its energy into that and always looks droopy when blooming!)

Have a lovely Friday; you might want to buzz over and visit the link parties listed below.
Loads of inspiration and just great good stuff.  -- Cass

At A la Carte, it's Junkin' Finds Friday.  Click!

At Tootsie Time, it's Fertilizer Friday.  Click!!

Visit French Country Cottage for Feathered Nest Friday.  Click!!!

Miss Mustard Seed hosts Furniture Friday.  Click!!!!

At My Romantic Home, it's Show and Tell Friday.  Click!!!!!

And there's Vintage Inspiration Friday at Common Ground.  Click!!!!!!

Goodwill Meets Industrial Chic Rating: 4.5 Diposkan Oleh: Unknown

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