Enrich Your Home

"Encourage one another daily." Hebrews 3:13

God has blessed us as women with the ability to be sensitive to the needs around us. We sense when those in our family are in low spirits or need lifting up and encouraging. I believe this is one of the special privileges and responsibilities we have as a wife and mother---to be an...

Encourager--encouraging your husband and family each day.

Your husband is desperate for encouragement. He thrives on it. Encouragement will change his life and even his attitude toward you. Your children need encouragement. It is the rich soil in which they grow to heir full development. We must give it daily, and even more than once a day. It should become a habit that flows from our lips. But more than an encourager, you are also an...

Enricher--making your home richer each day.

This word means, "to make richer." Is you home filled with love and joy of the Lord? Make it richer with more love. Perhaps there is no loving atmosphere in the home. Start filling it up with love. It won't happen unless you do it. You are the enricher, remember? You are the one who makes your home richer with all good things.

As you catch the vision to be the encourager and enricher of your home you can also become an..

*Enabler-enabling your children to reach their full destiny.
*Endearer-endearing your family to one another.
*Enhancer-enhancing the atmosphere of love and joy in your home.
*Enlarger-enlarging your heart to the needs of your family--and maybe an orphan or two.
*Enlightener-giving understanding and enlightment of the ways of God to your children.
*Enlivener-making your home alive with the presence of God.

*Enobler-training your children to be honorable and noble in all things.
*Enthraller-enthralling your children with new ideas, creativity and the wonders of God creation.
*Enthuser-enthusing your children to be ardent for God.
*Entertainer--keeping your children happy and productive.
*Enticer-enticing your children into the joy and prayer and reading God's living Word.
*Enveloper-wrapping your children around with protection and love.
*Envisioner-giving vision and hope to each  member of the family.
*Energizer-releasing the spirit of work and creativity in the home.
*Engraver-engraving the names of your children upon your heart in prayer. (Exodus 28:29-30)
*Entreater-entreating your children to keep a straight course in the ways of God.

What an amazing vocation you have in your home!


"Lord, please show me ways that I can make my home richer in love and in the joy of your presence. Amen."


I am making my home richer each day, not with material goods, but with lasting qualities.


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